Nolan Braman

Software Engineer

Professional Product Developer

I am a software engineer with 6+ experience and a passion for web development and a keen eye for detail. For the past four years specifically I have worked primarily in building knowledge graph data science platforms for government agencies.

Tech Enthusiast

TypeScript, Python, and Rust (in that order) are the languages I have the most experience with. In my spare time, I create software startups, primarily in React and Axum, and tinker with embedded systems and 3D modeling.

The Rest of the Time...

I am a tea and reading enthuasiast, and enjoy scuba diving, weight lifting, and snowboarding. Forever working on creating the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe (Add a cup of finely blended oatmeal to your favorite, and thank me later).

Contact Me

You can find me on LinkedIn or my github, links below in the footer.